What Time of Year is Best to Replace a Roof?

The roof of your home is essential, and, because of that, it is critical to do what you can to protect it. But, sometimes, your roof is too old or too damaged for repairs to be worthwhile. When this happens it means that there is no other choice but a total roof replacement. While it’s possible to replace a roof anytime during the year, it doesn't mean you should. You want to wait for the best time to replace your roof, but  what is the best time to replace your roof?

Hand tools on top of a roof. These tools are used by roofing contractors.

Why You May Need to Replace Your Roof

Roofs tend to take a beating, from harsh wind, rain, and sun, to small tree branches and animals landing on it. While they are built to withstand these things, even they can end up the worse-for-wear, to the point you need a whole new roof. But how do you know if you need a new roof?

First, you need to inspect your roof from the inside–looking in your attic for daylight peeking through. You also want to look for streaks or stains on your ceiling, sagging areas, leaks, and water damage.

Next, you need to check the exterior for signs of rotting, moss and algae growth, decaying shingles, missing asphalt granules, and various other types of damage, all are signs that it is time to replace your roof. Of course, if the roof is more than 20 years old, you should consider replacing it as it is beginning to deteriorate, and you shouldn't wait for problems to occur.

You don't want to replace your roof at any random time–you want to do it during the best time of year.

When is the Best Time to Replace a Roof?

CeDUR synthetic composite roof in Virginia.

Knowing what time of year is best to replace your roof is essential.  Roof replacements are possible during the winter, but the snow, ice and sleet make outdoor work difficult and best kept to emergency situations only.

Then you have spring and summer. Although spring can bring rain, and summers can be hot, late spring and early summer are considered the best time of year to replace a roof. A large reason is that it is more cost-effective, since work for roofing companies is slower.

Don’t wait too long, late summer is not the best time of year to replace a roof, since companies start to get very busy and the temperatures are even higher.

Fall is another good time to replace your roof because the temperatures are more moderate and there is no rain or cold (yet). It is also the busiest time for roofing companies and, therefore, possibly the most expensive time for any roof work.

Choosing a New Roof

Knowing what time of year is best to replace your roof is just part of the equation. You also need to know what roofing material you want to use–and there are many options. You want to choose a roofing option that is attractive, durable, affordable, and offers a long lifespan and requires little maintenance.  Different roofing materials have advantages and disadvantages, and some are more beneficial than others.

The Attractive, Low-Maintenance Choice

When it comes to affordable, durable, low-maintenance roofing, synthetic roofing is an ideal option. Many brands offer synthetic roofing, and CeDUR Roofing Shakes are a great option.

One of the major benefits to CeDUR shakes is their durability. CeDUR shakes have a Class 4 Impact Rating and Class A Fire Rating–the highest ratings possible. In addition, they are resistant to both freeze and thaw cycles and are moisture-resistant.

CeDUR is also one of the most lightweight options, weighing in at just 170 pounds per square. Another benefit of synthetic shakes is that they can provide added insulation to your home.

The Bottom Line

When you know you have to replace your roof, you shouldn’t wait. Unless you have an emergency situation, the best time of year to replace your roof is during the late spring and early fall. While there may be some rain and humidity to deal with, roofing companies will not be too busy, and the labor cost will be cheaper which helps to save you a great deal of money.

Contact a team member at CeDUR today for durable, year-round shingle solutions or request your free samples below to see the CeDUR difference.

Close up photo of CeDUR roofing shakes.